Tuesday, September 30

Kneel before Zorn.

Dang, this was like the only good thing that happened this past weekend (aside from my fantasy team, the Dutch Ovens, kicking ass even with half its starting offense on a bye week), I can't believe it's taken me this long to brag about it.

Hail to the Redskins

Hail, vic-to-ry

Braves . . . on the warpaaaath

Fight! . . . for old D.C.

. . . And fuck the Cowboys*

* Note: may not be an actual line from the song


ctrosecrans said...

hope that memory keeps you warm in january as the cowboys go for super bowl title no. 6 and the racist mascots are golfing

Anonymous said...

Funny, I had the same thing happen. My team, the Cleveland Steamers, pinched a big one out even though virtually all the big-time players were on a bye.

Mickey McCale said...

Enjoy it while it lasts. As usual, the Foreskins will fade to the background as the season progresses, and you'll be watching the Cowboys along with the rest of the country in January and February.

Anonymous said...

who cares what happens in January (and I am sure it will not involve "great big 'ole stars, that make you throw up where ever you are"), the 'Skins beat Dallas in Dallas!

Anonymous said...

Some people are assuming the Cowboys can make it out of the first round playoffs. Let's see that happen before talking Super Bowl.