Monday, March 13

The forecast calls for . . . PAIN!

We've done it once . . . we can do it again.

By the way, if you want to join my Yahoo! tournament pick-'em group, Big Ass Bracket, consider yourself officially invited. Go here and enter group number 65224; the password is "squeaky."

Your picks are your business, but be advised that if you pick Kentucky over UAB in the first round, you will be publicly humiliated on this site when the Wildcats lose. Even if you're Ashley Judd. I'm not kidding around here, people.

Good day.

Sorry, lady -- you're cute, but not enough to earn a full-blown betrayal.


Wes Wolfe said...

Ashley Judd's hottness was a boon to me one night. It was the season finale for Carolina, at home against Kentucky in 2004. Carolina should've won, but laid an egg. I saw the game with a really hot girl I was working with (who, actually, had a boyfriend at Clemson). We went out to a basically empty bar, as it was a Wednesday, but soon saw six Carolina players walk in. We all got royally hammered. USC's star center, who had his right arm in a cast, accidentally sprayed a bit on my sandal-clad foot in the bathroom. The 5'4" guard who usually rocked the pine got up and stole the mic from the band, singing along. And I made out with the girl.

Ah, memories.

Kanu said...

I don't care much about Uk or UAB hoops, but I do think that Ashley Judd's hotness is very overrated. Yes, she is a good looking woman, but I lived in Kentucky, have been to Lexington 3 times, and attend the Kentucky Derby every year. In short, Kentucky is loaded with scores of women way hotten than Ash. Good actress, good looking, and likes basketball, but too much hype. I'm just saying there are tons more just like her but hotter. (interestingly, this phenomenon with her is similar to J-Lo - very hot and a good ass yes, but there are a million chick like her, and hotter, on Univision and Telemundo, not to mention Galavision). That's my $.02.

Anonymous said...

I think you are all liars. I'd disavow a relationship with my own mother and call Herschel Walker a NO TALENT ASS CLOWN for a shot at Ashley Judd.

Are you kidding me?

That said....I could see Doug post-game UAB beats UK again pulling a "GO RAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDERS!" moment while Tubby is doing his CBS interview in the tunnel.


Anonymous said...

Ashley is a really sweet girl, I just wish things could have worked out for us.