Sorry for the slow posting this week -- I've had shit goin' on pretty much every single night (including campaigning for Rev. James Fields, who earned a historic win in the House District 12 special election here in Alabama a couple nights ago). But while I get my affairs in order, here's something for y'all to entertain yourselves with. It was originally posted at this site, which seems to be experiencing some bandwidth problems of late, but I'll try to remember the process as best I can:
1. Click on this link for Wikipedia's random-article generator. Whichever Wikipedia entry comes up is the name of your band.
2. Click on this link for the Random Quotations page. The last four words of the last quotation on the page are the name of your album.
3. Click on this link for interesting Flickr photographs from the last seven days. The third picture on the page is the artwork for your album.
Put them all together and you've got your album; mine is above. Post a picture of your assembled album cover on your blog and leave a link to it in the comments thread of this post, and I'll post some of the best ones here over the next few days.
I won't be able to do it for reals until tonight, but I don't think I'll do any better than my first try at a band name: Enerjak.
I think mine wins.
Here's the two I did a couple weeks back:
Latex, Texas
Charles Carroll Everett
is to be joyless.
posted, alias link above will take you there.
My band is Near Equatorial Trough and the album name is "COnform to our whim". I will have to get this on my blog....late
Couple more here:
Eh. It's okay.
Great idea!
Here are the three I created...
Keep up the good work.
Cool stuff, here are some of mine.
sounds kinda emo
dammit i keep getting nature shots, one more then
sweet, alright im finished :D
Mine is actually pretty cool.
It's a black and white, surrealist picture of a bridge in Bristol, UK.
Band name - Coreno Ausonio
Album name - Year Killing Everone Inside.
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