Tuesday, August 23

Of course, there are other ways to blog like a conservative . . .

. . . the easiest, of course, being to make a completely moronic, asinine excuse for a completely inexcusable bit of behavior on the part of a conservative. As usual, we've found our poster children in the asshats at Power Line:

The photo below depicts the crosses that have been in the news. Gene notes that news photos crop out the road -- some crosses and flags are within 12 inches of the road. The road is very narrow with no shoulders.

Yep, that's right. They're talking about the dipshit who hooked chains and pipes to the back of his pickup and dragged them through the rows of crosses near the spot where Cindy Sheehan's protest has been set up in Crawford, Texas. And apparently it's the protestors' fault, see, for cruelly impeding the path of his truck (and his chains, and pipes) with their crosses! How dare they respect our fallen soldiers while Larry Northern is trying to careen across the road!

Wow, I think I may have swallowed my Conservative Stupidity quota for the entire week in one go. Guess it's football, movies, and Angelina Jolie and/or Rachel McAdams from now until Friday or Saturday . . .


Riley said...

I applaud your selection of Rachel McAdams. She's choice.

Anonymous said...

She (Rachel McAdams)was called America's New Sweetheart.