OK, so maybe I'm out there all by myself on the whole Wendy's "ranch tooth" commercial thing, but come on, this is hilarious.

Well, I hear something else. It's the Hug Plane, and it's coming in for a landing.
Taken altogether, this is what I fear will happen: The victims of the flood will be portrayed via racist stereotypes as criminals and idiots. This will predispose the audience to disliking them. Then, after everything settles down, a few right wingers will start implying that the dead brought their own fate on themselves by being too stupid and/or criminal to evacuate. This focus will distract the pundits from discussing the real issue at hand, which is why the fuck we didn't have the resources on hand to evacuate a city that has Hurricane Target written all over it. Before you know it, it'll be a wingnut bonaza of people both gleefully indulging in the most racist tendencies while simultaneously claiming that the only reason one might end up dead in a hurricane is because one doesn't have "personal responsibility".
. . . go to Music Outfitters, type the year of your high school graduation into the search function, select the top 100 most popular songs, cut and paste it onto your blog and then bold the ones you like, strike out the ones you hate, and leave alone the ones you don't care about or don't know.
RUSH LIMBAUGH: We're gettin' in through the underground heating system here, up through into the main audience chamber here, and John Kerry's wife's bedroom is here. Having grabbed his wife, we inform Kerry that she is in our custody and forthwith issue our demands. Any questions?
KEYBOARD KOMMANDO HINDERAKER: What exactly are the demands?
KARL ROVE: We're giving Kerry two days to dismantle the entire apparatus of the Democratic Party, and if he doesn't agree immediately, we execute her.
SEAN HANNITY: Cut her head off?
RUSH: Cut all her bits off. Send 'em back on the hour every hour. Show them we're not to be trifled with.
KARL: And of course, we point out that they bear full responsibility when we chop her up, and that we shall not submit to blackmail!
KARL: They've bled us white, the bastards. They've taken everything we had, and not just from us, from our fathers, and from our fathers' fathers.
KEN MEHLMAN: And from our fathers' fathers' fathers.
KARL: Yeah.
KEN: And from our fathers' fathers' fathers' fathers!
KARL: Yeah. All right, Ken. Don't labour the point. And what have they ever given us in return?!
HANNITY: Social Security?
KARL: What?
HANNITY: Social Security.
KARL: Oh. Yeah, yeah. They did give us that. Uh, that's true. Yeah.
KOMMANDO GOLDBERG: And the balanced budget.
KEN: Oh, yeah, the balanced budget, Karl. Remember what the budget used to be like?
KARL: Yeah. All right. I'll grant you Social Security and the balanced budget are two things that the Democrats have done.
RUSH: And the national parks.
KARL: Well, yeah. Obviously the national parks. I mean, the national parks go without saying, don't they? But apart from Social Security, the balanced budget, and the national parks --
KOMMANDOS: Huh? Heh? Huh . . .
KOMMANDOS: Ohh . . .
KARL: Yeah, yeah. All right. Fair enough.
KOMMANDOS: Oh, yes. Yeah . . .
HINDERAKER: Yeah. Yeah, that's something we'd really miss, Karl, if the Democrats left. Huh.
KEN: And they won two world wars, Karl.
HINDERAKER: Yeah, they certainly know how to win wars. Let's face it. They're the only ones who could in a place like this.
KOMMANDOS: Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh.
KARL: All right, but apart from Social Security, the balanced budget, national parks, civil rights, the TVA, public education, the FDIC, the Air Force, and winning two world wars, what have the Democrats ever done for us?
HANNITY: Brought prosperity.
KARL: Oh, prosperity? Shut up!
At the end of a long and mostly innocuous article in the New Yorker about the ups and downs of NBC's Today show, Ken Auletta relates a "late lunch" he had with Katie Couric. Couric was "worried" that hard news didn't appeal to viewers. During a brief chicken-and-egg discussion between Auletta and Couric ("are we giving people what they want?" "Or are people watching what we give them?"). Couric then forthrightly declared, "I always felt it was our responsibility as journalists to explore issues and talk about subjects and have serious stories that people need to know about to be informed citizens." Admirably put, I thought. Then Couric recounted a story of which she was especially "proud," a "terrific story" that was "honest and very well produced."
In this year of endless blood flowing in Iraq, of Rovegate, of the ongoing venality of an administration with almost no constraint on its dishonesty, what was the story in question? You guessed it -- Couric's exclusive interview with Jennifer Wilbanks, aka, the "runaway bride."
CLEVELAND (AP) -- Ohio Rep. Dennis Kucinich has married a British woman, shedding the bachelor status that made headlines during his long-shot presidential campaign in 2004.
Kucinich and Elizabeth Harper, who works for a monetary-policy think tank in Chicago, were married Sunday before some 250 guests outside City Hall, where he once served as mayor.
Guests included Shirley MacLaine and Sean Penn. MacLaine and Kucinich are longtime friends, and Penn endorsed the Democrat for president last year.
"It was a lovely ceremony, and the congressman really wanted to do this in the heart of Cleveland," said Kucinich's spokesman, Doug Gordon.
The photo below depicts the crosses that have been in the news. Gene notes that news photos crop out the road -- some crosses and flags are within 12 inches of the road. The road is very narrow with no shoulders.
Where do you like to go to the movies when you like to go to the movies? What's been your best experience at a cinema? What's your favorite movie house, and why do you love it?
ATHENS -- A group of Georgia football fans took up a collection to pay for a Boise State player's father to fly from Baghdad to see his son play against the Bulldogs in Athens.
But the NCAA rule book got in the way.
Dan Miller, father of Broncos sophomore guard Tad Miller, is a retired police lieutenant who is training Iraqi police officers.
When Sam Hendrix of Signal Mountain, Tenn. -- "suthndawg" to his fellow Georgia fans on the Dawgvent, an Internet message board -- read a story in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution about the Millers, he started an online movement to raise the $2,700 it will cost Dad to make it to Sanford Stadium to see his son play in the home opener Sept. 3.
"Within moments of suthndawg's post, there were 25 to 50 people who offered to pledge money," said Ryan Crowe, a 25-year-old legal assistant from Atlanta who offered to collect and distribute the funds. "It just took off from there."
But when Crowe checked with the two schools, he was told the UGA fans' generosity would be a violation of NCAA bylaws regarding extra benefits and expenses for student athletes and their families.
"Ironically, by providing this money, these [Georgia] fans would in effect become Boise State boosters," said Amy Chisholm, UGA's assistant athletics director for compliance. The NCAA defines a booster as "a representative of an institution's athletics interests."
[T]he boy's father has to do his part. He needs to mirror and affirm his son's maleness. He can play rough-and-tumble games with his son, in ways that are decidedly different from the games he would play with a little girl. He can help his son learn to throw and catch a ball. He can teach him to pound a square wooden peg into a square hole in a pegboard. He can even take his son with him into the shower, where the boy cannot help but notice that Dad has a penis, just like his, only bigger.
Last week I mentioned how (in general) liberals hate George W. Bush although conservatives never hated Bill Clinton, according to what both sides admit about themselves.
"It happened so quickly; it was a little bit like being in a movie," said Gwen Dunlop of Toronto, who was returning from a vacation in France.
. . .
"One of the hostesses said, `You can calm down, it's OK,' and yet the plane was on fire and smoke was pouring in," Dunlop told The AP. "I don't like to criticize, but the staff did not seem helpful or prepared."
It is 2021, tomorrow is the 20th anniversary of 9/11 It is up to an underground group of bio-mechanically enhanced conservatives led by Sean Hannity, G. Gordon Liddy and Oliver North to thwart Ambassador Usama Bin Laden's plans to nuke New York City ...And wake the world from an Orwellian nightmare of United Nations- dominated ultra-liberalism.
America?s future has become an Orwellian nightmare of ultra-liberalism. Beginning with the Gore Presidency, the government has become increasingly dominated by liberal extremists.
In 2004, Muslim terrorists stopped viewing the weakened American government as a threat; instead they set their sites on their true enemies, vocal American conservatives. On one dark day, in 2006, many conservative voices went forever silent at the hands of terrorist assassins. Those which survived joined forces and formed a powerful covert conservative organization called "The Freedom of Information League", aka F.O.I.L.
. . .
Two decades of negotiation with the U.N., and America?s administration of 2021 (President Chelsea Clinton and Vice President Michael Moore), has culminated in a truce with fundamentalist Islamic terrorists, or so America is told. The honorable ambassador from Afghanistan has come to NYC to address the U.N., his name is Usama Bin Laden. Ambassador Bin Laden has announced that he plans a public apology for the "misunderstanding" of the events of 9/11. This apology will occur exactly 20 years to the minute the first plane hit the WTC; this will be on the observation deck at the newly renamed "Unity Tower" built on the hollowed grounds where the WTC once stood.
LIBERALITY FOR ALL #1 is getting major publicity in the talk-radio world, with much more to come. To our knowledge, no book in over 10 years will be made known to so many people, outside the comic community.
WARNING: Expect this to sell out very fast.
Down the hall, under the chandelier, I could see them talking. They were walking toward me and Dick s face was white, and he stopped and gave a piece of paper to Rummy, and Rummy looked at the piece of paper and shook his head. He gave the paper back to Dick and Dick shook his head. They disappeared and then they were standing right next to me.
"Georgie s going to walk down to the Oval Office with me," Dick said.
"I just hope you got him all good and ready this time," Rummy said.
"Hush now," Dick said. "This aint no laughing matter. He know lot more than folks think." Dick patted me on the back good and hard. "Come on now, Georgie," Dick said. "Never mind you, Rummy."
We walked down steps to the office. There were paintings of old people on the walls and the room was round like a circle and Condi was sitting on my desk. Her legs were crossed.
"Did you get him ready for the press conference?" Dick said.
"Dont you worry about him. He ll be ready," Condi said. Condi stood up from the desk. Her legs were long and she smelled like the Xeroxed copies of the information packets they give me each day.