Saturday, November 24

Caption contest!
(Sponsored by Clean Old-Fashioned Hate)

Here's mine, to get you started:

"Really, it's been great. If you need me to be a reference, just holler."

Your ideas in the comments. Full recap up whenever I get around to it; 'til then, happy holidays, mofos . . . and GO DAWGS!


Anonymous said...

"Tell me how I can get an Exercise Sciences degree program started at Tech?"

Will said...

"It may not mean much, but quite a few of us would like for you to keep your job."

Mickey McCale said...

"I'm sure the Arena League would be ecstatic to get you back. You smell oranges? I smell oranges?"

Junkyarddawg34 said...

"Any chance you can talk Radakovich into hiring Reggie Ball as your replacement?"

Anonymous said...

"Sure... I'll be glad to help you move your stuff. Just leave my secretary a message..."

Anonymous said...

"Just don't let O'Leary help you with the resume"

Josh M. said...

"Hello Mr. Svenning, how have you been?"

Anonymous said...

"Gee I hope they don't fire you for this..." says Richt, who is secretly wearing all black under his red jacket and khakis

Anonymous said...

"Waco is really a lovely town in the Springtime...when the Tornado sirens aren't blaring."

Anonymous said...

You want to start by picking up my dry cleaning or get straight to polishing the trophies?


One word - Temple - what do you think?


You don't have to say Mr. - Pimp is sufficient.

Anonymous said...

Ihear Ole Miss is hiring! They prefer an english speaker this time...

Anonymous said...

Evil Richt is at your house...banging your wife.

Hey Doug - Either you or your doppleganger was at Hole in the Wall on Friday night. Also, I grew up with your boy Niese. WEIRD!

Anonymous said...

Hey, I hear talk radio is supposed to be fun.

Anonymous said...

"We're petitioning the NCAA to get Reggie Ball another year of eligibility. You can thank us later."

Chris said...


Unknown said...

"Can you hold my orange while I go do the Soulja boy?"

Anonymous said...

Thanks for playing Chan, hope to see you next year.

Anonymous said...

"And I thought we were suppose to be dumb? Didn't you hear Tashard Choice butcher the English language?"

Anonymous said...

Hey, buck up camper, I hear both Saban and Spurrier lost, so you are in good company.

duff said...

"There's no shame in losing to a better man. For the sixth time. In a row."

Universal Remonster said...

"The guards are not needed, Chan. I could dispatch of them with my dark powers if needed."

Anonymous said...

JAH said: Gee Mark, how about letting Kathryn take the reins for next year's game?

Anonymous said...

Thanks, but my life insurance IS up to date. Why do you ask?

Anonymous said...

Have you tried prayer?