Well, I hear something else. It's the Hug Plane, and it's coming in for a landing.
Monday, August 18
And wait . . . and wait . . . and wait . . .
Matthew Yglesias brings us news that the billboard below is part of some conservative organization's abstinence-promotion efforts, but the first time I read it my mind went somewhere else.
Somewhere on Georgia Tech's campus, the director of undergraduate admissions is leaping to his feet and shouting, "Eureka -- we've found the tag line for our new student-recruitment campaign."
Always nice to welcome Monday with a laugh....
Thanks for the link. I was driving home on Saturday from 18 holes of hacking it up and I witnessed a billboard that read: "Virgin, Not a Bad Word"
Instead of teaching our kids to wrap it up and not be whores, we tell them to suppress their sexuality. Damn Puritans.
Who is ready for college football? Sign Me UP!!!!
I cannot stop laughing. Love it!
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