Wednesday, April 9

I didn't actually write this post . . .

. . . because a) I was tipped to it by a commenter over at Paul's place, and b) because it pretty much wrote itself:

On Saturday, April 26, you are asked to Bring a Girl to Tech.

I can't even decide which is the best joke to make in response to this. So I'm going to let y'all pick.


Anonymous said...

Make sure you remove the chloroform soaked rag from her mouth prior to entering campus.

Robert said...

Only if they can play bass on Rock Band.

Joel said...

Virtual women from Second Life (or whatever role playing game the nerds play) do not count

Holly said...

Ether? I hardly know 'er!


SlawDawg said...

The SI Cheerleader of the week curse lives!!

DAve said...

Dear Coach Johnson: Me and some of the other players saw in the internets that April 26 is Bring A Girl To Tech day. We don't get it. Ain't that what the professors is for?

Michael said...

(pulse optional)

Anonymous said...

Is it just me or is it disturbing which answer is leading this blog poll?