Well, Glenn Beck was right about one thing: We didn't send in the Marines. We sent in Navy SEALs.
If Beck (or Newt Gingrich, or Brit Hume, or any of those other Fox News dicklicks) are ever right about anything else, then by all means let me know. I wouldn't want to miss it.
In the meantime, hijack this, bitches. (Chart lovingly, painstakingly crafted over at Tiki Bar.)
Beck apparently fancies himself an old-school revivalist preacher now too...he had some guy pass out on his show the other day.
Huh. I would have though Teddy would have had some notches on that belt.
I want you to know that went to all the trouble (I have a little Luddite in me) to get a username so I could tell you thanks for collecting this stuff. I would never find it on my own, but I do appreciate your fine work. Couple of more incidents that really make the neocons look stupid like this one does would be nice, though.
Oh, right... that's why I don't come over here during the offseason.
At least you're consistent Doug, and I salute you for that.
Krauthammer, Beck, Gingrich, Hume.
Man that has all kinds of win in it.
All we needed was Bachmann and Palin and the sad spectacle that is the remainder of the Republican Party would have been complete.
I hear Ron Paul wants to legalize American piracy in those waters now. As long as the pirates sign a piece of paper promising they will follow the rules.
As DougJ over at Balloon-Juice says, Blackwater on water. What could possibly go wrong?
Beck is one special kind of crazy. And he might be only fourth on the Republicans' list of loons.
It may be (probably is) a bad idea, but it's hardly a new or radical one. It is in the Constitution as a power of Congress, and has been been used (if google is to be believed) as recently as World War II when the Goodyear blimp (!) was issued a letter of marque for hunting Japanese subs.
Don't get me wrong Robert. I have no problem at all with legal piracy.
It is the illegal piracy that pisses me off ;-)
I like how it only goes back so far. Obama would be a teeny little bar compared to some of the early macks that smacked some pirates around.
Democrats gave Bush shit for sitting in a classroom for a few minutes, but now we're supposed to fellate Obama for doing the obvious right thing after days and days of everybody telling him to?
Jesus, calm down, I didn't ask anyone to fellate anybody. I just think it's hilarious that these right-wingers were soooo sure Obama was too much of a pussy to do anything about the pirates. You'd think that these folks would know better than to underestimate him by now, but I suppose not.
I knew there was a reason that most of us Dawg fans stay away from your blog in the Spring. Now I remembered why!
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